Monthly meetup
Connect with other Testing Professionals in Utah and learn from the best.
We meet as a community every month to learn from different experts and leaders from in and out of Utah.
This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered, make new connections and friends, be surrounded by others that are passionate about programming and testing, as well as improve your skills.
This is meant to be FOR the community BY the community, so the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.
There will be hiring managers looking for the next member of their team, leadership and trainers looking to answer your questions and make you feel welcome, and on top of that, we’ll give you free food and drinks!
QAP starts at 6pm MST with food and drinks, networking, and announcements.
After that, we begin our presentations! We will leave time at the end for socializing and answering questions.
We will announce the presentations on our page prior to the meetup on social media and our slack group.
We encourage you to share any ideas or feedback! Your ideas and feedback are used for the next meetups so we can tailor the themes and content to what the community wants.
We hope that you give us feedback or even think of ways that you can help the community. Our goal is that you feel welcome and that we give you as much value as we can.